Eggs 100 Day Eggs Project Period: Feb 2023 ~ DAY1Egg #1 DAY2It started from 200g DAY3Sweet 16 Day4New York DAY5People DAY6Big City DAY7February Day8Eun Jang Do DAY9Mom's Clock DAY10No Weekend Please... DAY11ArtPop Street Gallery DAY12Distance of relationships DAY13Golf Day14Language DAY15International Women's Day DAY16Dentist DAY17WORKBYLEE Day18Recycling DAY19The Boy DAY20Daylight Saving DAY21My Library DAY22Tip DAY23Fried Egg Day24Mushroom Boy DAY25Fairies in my kitchen? DAY26Contact List DAY27Lunch Bags Day28Carrots DAY29Name DAY30Picky Eater DAY31Helpers DAY32Sneakers DAY33Link Day34Pickle Ball DAY35Math DAY36Aliens are growing so fast! DAY37Condolences Day38Rice DAY39Charlotte SHOUT! DAY40Young Talent DAY41Mom's Off-Duty DAY42More Hugs Please DAY43ZZ Plant Day44Road Trip DAY45Boogie Boarding DAY46Home DAY47Happy Easter Day48Möbius Strip DAY49Switch DAY50Shopping DAY51Tybee Island DAY52Adventure B4 Dementia DAY53From the "Thank You" Bags Day54Niko's Birthday DAY55Fortunate DAY56Strawberry DAY57Improving English Day58Coachella DAY59Jodi #59 DAY60My golf DAY61Why Houses? DAY62Emotion Cards DAY63Treasure you find Day64Sjogren’s Awareness DAY65We met online DAY66Being lost in IKEA DAY67ArtFields Day68Accutane DAY69Egg-Cellent DAY70Mosquito DAY71Healing Art DAY72Kiln DAY73A Dreaming Day Day74Mandu DAY75Puzzle DAY76Social Battery DAY77No WiFi Day78Mandala DAY79CupCake - Well Project DAY80Positive Energy DAY81Sweet Mama DAY82School Supplies DAY83Tiny Plates Day84Bed Bath & Beyond DAY85Writing about Dream DAY86Cello DAY87BEEF Day88The Weight of Life DAY89Kintsugi DAY90GPS DAY91May 22s DAY92Lantern Festival DAY93Different Perspectives in Love Day94R. I. P. Tina DAY95Magnifier DAY96Captain DIY! DAY97In Honor of Our Heroes Day98Overalls DAY99The New Doors DAY100The 100th Day! Connect Instagram Envelope